It’s been a long, long election season. And now that we’re into the final week before the bitter recount starts, we find out that the big October surprise we’ve all been waiting for? Is that there is no surprise. Surprise!
The problem is that after such a protracted primary season in which the Clinton campaign already trotted out every possible thing you could hold against Barack Obama, there's nothing new left for McCain to attack him with. We’ve already heard the hits, like “Friend of Bill Ayers” and “Barack’s an Elitist” and “Secret Muslim.” They’re old news. But that hasn’t stopped the GOP from hitting “repeat all” on its stereo.
Why, yesterday at a rally in Hershey, Pa., while hating on Obama’s energy policies, McCain actually said, “He says he wants to blah blah blah.” You see? Even McCain is tired of it. Tired of even saying it!
And the latest retread? An RNC/McCain radio ad in Montana featuring Hank Williams Jr. (by far the least talented of the the three Hank Williamses) blasting Obama over the whole “bitter people clinging to guns and religion” thing. Maybe next week they can run an ad with Sarah Palin blasting Roseanne Barr for doing such a bad rendition of the National Anthem at that Padres game.
I had totally forgotten how mad i should be about that Roseanne thing. Also remember when Gary Coleman sued his parents? what a lil' jerk.
Seriously? Who did/does he think is/was?
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