It wouldn’t be an election season without the religious nuts weighing in. And weigh in they have! Really stepping it up now is Focus on the Family Action, which is a lot sexier than regular old Focus on the Family. They want you to know that if Barack Obama is elected president, America will descend into a fiery hell-spiral, hastening the end of the world as we know it. Fun!
The group’s latest love-in, “Letter from 2012 in Obama’s America,” claims that a Democratic victory next week will inevitably lead to terrorist strikes on four American cities, Russia rolling into Eastern Europe, Israel getting hit by a nuclear bomb, Americans only being allowed to get gay-married, and the end of the Boy Scouts. But, you know, they don’t want to get dramatic or anything. Just saying.
Also getting in on the fun? Charisma magazine publisher Steve Strang, who wrote an e-mail to his readers called “Life as we know it will end if Obama is elected.” Real subtle, Steve.
But I thought the Religious Right wanted the whole Armageddon scenario. Isn’t that why they made George W. Bush president twice? To hasten the End Times? I’m so confused.
1 comment:
Ned, I love your column - it makes my morning commute much more entertaining. :-)
All these ridiculous ideas that conservatives are spewing about Obama seem only laughable... but then there are a terrifying number of people who believe them!! Today I got my hair cut (in "liberal" MA) and the hairdresser said she doesn't trust Obama b/c he's "into that Muslim thing." She's voting for him b/c of his tax policies, but thinks that if he's elected there'll be a "race war," and that he is somehow supported by a shadowy network of only black people.
If you think semi-objectively about Bush being elected and all that followed... dramatic ideas about the end of the world coming with a new president seem a little less far-fetched.
But (sadly) Obama being elected would probably NOT lead to extreme liberal policies and a socialist state. Oh well.
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