With all our attention pressed so firmly against the glass at the presidential candidates enclosure in this big old political zoo, it’s easy to forget sometimes that there’s a lot more going on. And some people are really hurting. But one underserved, marginalized minority has finally decided that enough is enough, that it’s time to speak out. That persecuted group? Hollywood conservatives.
Lord knows the life of a Hollywood conservative is a tough one, biting his tongue whenever Barbra Streisand says something, always the odd man out at studio softball games, buying a Prius purely because of peer pressure. Why, Kelsey Grammer even related an awful anecdote to the Hollywood Reporter about how, earlier in his career, his job was threatened by a prominent sitcom director who demanded he donate money to Barbara Boxer’s U.S. Senate campaign. To keep his job, he gave $10,000 to Boxer and the Democrats.
It’s gotten so bad, apparently, that right-leaning entertainers have started up secret societies with names like “SpeakEasy” and “The Sunday Night Club” just so they can get together and voice their views without the ever-looming fear of a stern glare from Sean Penn.
You know what? This can’t go on. We cannot truly call ourselves free until each and every one of our pampered, overpaid actors is free to rudely offer their unsolicited political opinion, no matter what party they happen to be associated with. So, my Hollywood conservative friends, come out of the closet. Your days of toil and degradation are over.
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