Racial insensitivity is now part of a balanced breakfast, apparently.
Someone with a mastery of subtle political humor put together boxes of this brand of waffle mix and sold them for $10 a pop at the Value Voters Forum. (That line-up of speakers... Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett, Stephen Baldwin... I just wouldn't know where to begin.)
The cover image really says everything you need to know about how not to draw a political cartoon, and brings to mind such classics of African-American empowerment as Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben. But what you can't see is the back, with Obama in a sombrero and a recipe for "Open Border Fiesta Waffles": "While waiting for these zesty treats to invade your home, why not learn a foreign language?"
Oh, and the top of the box has him in a suspiciously non-Christian headdress. Just to be clear: Is Barack Obama Muslin? (Hat-tip to Jessica.)
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