Friday, September 26, 2008

You deserve a break today

It's Friday, which means it's time to suspend this blog while I go fix the national economy. Country first!

In the mean time, there's always my other column, the Word, where I make fun of celebrities and celebrity culture in an oh-so-charming way. Here's a taste of today's edition:

Oh, don't act so surprised

British PR flacks are feigning outrage because Amy Winehouse, that pillar or moderation and class, has reportedly ruined some dresses sent to her on loan in the run-up to London Fashion Week.

Apparently, the naïve folks over at Harvey Nichols loaned dear, sweet Amy $50,000 worth of silk and satin dresses. Amy put on the nicest one and hit the town, and eventually did what she does best: vomit. KEEP READING

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