Thursday, September 11, 2008

What was that about inquiring minds?

Yesterday, we had a bit of fun with Meghan McCain, but there’s plenty of kid love to go around on the GOP ticket. Take vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s son Track. In a matter of complete coincidence, he’s deploying to Iraq today. (You might not’ve heard. The family doesn’t like to discuss it much.)

Just in time for Track’s Heroic® departure, the National Enquirer is giving him the full press treatment. And as John Edwards knows, you’re nobody in this country until the National Enquirer is writing about you.

So what’s the rumpus? Well, apparently before joining up, young Track was a bit of a terror in Wasilla, Alaska — a car rim-stealing, hard-partying, OxyContin-snorting terror. Allegedly.

Some of the choicer quotes from Track’s coyly anonymous high school friends include “I’ve seen him snort cocaine, snort and smoke OxyContin, drink booze and smoke weed” and “Track was a master at playing people and paying them to get drugs, alcohol, steal car rims, Xbox games, you name it.”

Now, we’re not sure how to feel about this. On the one hand, the National Enquirer was right about the whole Edwards thing, making the mainstream media look foolish for ignoring it because it was in, well, the National Enquirer. On the other hand, they reported in April that Elizabeth Taylor totally OD’d on booze and pills, so… We’re gonna wait for the Sun’s latest Nostradamus prediction before we make up our minds.

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