Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday fan-mail roundup!

[Note: Fridays are also snarky gossip days, so head on over to check out the latest edition of the Word, in which we mock Jerry Seinfeld and take Denise Richards to task for her parenting. Fun!]

Since there's no column in the paper on Fridays, I thought today would be a great chance to see what some of my loyal readers think. I get lots of expressive, thoughtful letters, like this one, which ran in Metro earlier this week. Indeed, I should seek counseling. Thanks, Andie! If that is your real name!

Matthew Hoover writes:

I love how you think “giant bowl of suck” makes you appear witty and edgy. Really, it only shows you haven’t a clue. Maybe if you weren’t an Obama mouthpiece you could actually report real analysis and insight. Not that I’d expect much from the Metro. A paper that once again proves the adage that you get what you pay for.

That's cold, Matt. Ryan Karchner writes in with:

How come in your article you didn't mention anything about Barack Obama smoking crack and marijuana in his younger years? I can't believe I'm even wasting my time responding to this article.

Me neither! Thomas Barnes wanted to share, too:

I can see that you do not care about fair and balance news coverage. Your goal is to smear Senator John McCain and Gov. Palin. As of today's date, I am an undecided voter. My vote is starting to swing towards the McCain/Palin ticket. Why? Unprofessional media men like you. I am happy to say your articles are at the bottom of my puppy's bed pan.

Puppies get bed pans now? Awesome. And Joseph Muzzillo sent me this beautiful run-on sentence:

you must be a democrat you always slam palin and mccain obama is no saint he is arrogant and his pie face wife ill send you her thesis send it to butt ugly oprah

Well, that's all for me, folks. Have a great weekend!

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